Visit to Oberndorf

Introduction and thanks

Waffen Museum

Mauser Buildings

Mauser Family Mausoleum

Important Find

Text Box: A few months ago, Joop van de Kant, Gerben van Vlimmeren and I decided to visit the city of Oberndorf a.N.
All Luger collectors known that this city is definitely tied to the Mauser family and Company. We had the great opportunity to spend a weekend with the main actors of the Luger reintroduction in the 70th.

v	Prof Dr Rolf Gminder, former CEO of Mauser Werke (third from the left);
v	Mr. Otto Repa, responsible of the Mauser Parabellum assembling from 1970 till 1975 and then quality responsible from 1975 till 1979 (first from the left);
v	Mr. Gerd Schön, in charge of the export sales of the civilian market from 1968 till 1971 then domestic sales until 1977 (second from the left).

We discuss with them about all the period of the Luger production in Mauser but more emphasis has been done to their production (1970 – 1986).
I would like to thanks all of them for the time the spent with us and also Gerben and Joop for the enthusiasm. What it is really amazing is that the weekend in Oberndorf a.N. has been also a source of an important find…
Enjoy the report.



















